I taught my first lessons today--to first graders! I was able to go through the entire lesson in the half hour with appropriate pacing and Mrs. Stamer said she liked my proximity. (Drs. Stamer and V would be so proud!) When some things weren't working with the different classes, I was able to adjust without losing my flow, and I felt really confident with how it went after!
Perks so far:
*I get to take an iPod touch class on Thursday nights from 4-7pm for graduate credits for free!
*I am getting copies of all of Mrs. Stamer's electronic materials so I can use them in my own classes!
*I already know what I'm doing for my TaskStream assignment and get to start it tomorrow which will get that over with faster!
*I am going to be an official Recorder Karate Sensei!
*I've made my own bulletin board (see yesterday's post)!
Things I've learned so far:
*Don't ask the students if they want to do something again! I made this mistake today and ended up with a room full of first graders screaming "NO!" when I asked if they wanted to try singing a new song again.
*Kindergarten girls are NOT afraid dancing even when they are wearing a skirt! (Thank goodness for tights!)
*Fifth graders do NOT know what deodorant is...especially fifth grade boys!
Tomorrow I get to teach sixth and fourth grade, which is a little more than half the day! I guess I'm just working my way up to Thursday and Friday when I am subbing. Mrs. Stamer said she was surprised that I don't drink caffeine during the days or in the morning, and little does she know what those effects would be!
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