Monday, August 2, 2010

Day One

Today was my first day of work so, being the planner I am, I got everything together last night. I laid out my clothes, made my lunch, and made sure to set my alarm for 6:30am so I could leave by 7:30am and not be too rushed. When I rolled over this morning at 7:27am, I realized the one thing I didn't check was whether or not my clock was set to the correct am or pm setting.

I sprang out of bed, dressed, grabbed my lunch, and headed out the door without showering. I couldn't believe the stress I had set upon myself already on day one, and called my mom in a panicked mess. Luckily, she answered and I was able to calm down before walking into the room (three minutes early!).

The training today was from 8:00-4:30 and covered classroom management. I met a girl named Bethany from Michigan and we went to lunch together (hooray Chipotle!) and bonded over choir teaching and moving to Colorado.

After the whole day today, I don't feel as scared about what is happening two weeks from now, and I think everything is going to be ok. After school, after showering, I hooked up my internet and the tivo and made dinner for Tom and I when he stopped by after teaching lessons today. Now it's time to get ready for bed and gear up for day two. Tomorrow I get keys to my schools and the adventure continues!


  1. Good Luck Megan! If you can have such a good day starting 57min behind where you wanted to start you can take on anything.
